Thoracic surgery and lung disease: a key role in the puzzle?
Data: 18/11/2022
Ora: 08:00 - 15:00
Thoracic surgery and lung disease: a key role in the puzzle?
Hybrid Event, ECM Event
Prof. Stefano Elia
Prof. Eugenio Pompeo
Friday, November 18th, 2022
Aula Fleming Medical School | Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy
Click here to download the preliminary program
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The course is open for a maximum of 100 places in attendance and 100 places online (at a cost of € 30.00), Just select the type of ticket during registration.
After the end of the congress it will be possible to download the participation certificate and take the ECM quiz directly from your personal area on the website www.
ECM Event | The course entitles you to ECM credits
The course is accredited for the professions of:
Thoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, anaesthesiologists, biomedical engineers.
It will be possible to take the ECM quiz within 72 hours of the end of the event by accessing your personal area on the website after registering for the event.
Failure to register on the site will not allow you to take the test.
If the faculty wants to participate in the test as a learner, it will have to carry out the same procedure described above.
Le prenotazioni sono chiuse per questo evento.